Introducing New Product LAN LOCK™

Introducing the LAN LOCK device! An Industrial Ethernet Disconnect Device that allows you to securely isolate machines from remote VPN access, plant networks, and even programming ports.
Designed to be controlled via a 24VDC signal from any output device of your choice. HMI, PLC, Relay, Switch, etc.
Why would you want a LAN LOCK device in your machine or application?
– 1. It serves as a simple effective way for maintenance and plant personnel
to disconnect a machine from a remote connectivity device. Some
customers are very sensitive to remote connections for obvious reasons.
– 2. It brings connectivity control back to the plant floor (Maintenance,
Supervisors, Plant Managers). No I.T. expertise is needed to open/close a
connection to the network/machine!
– 3. An additional layer of security. Connect/Disconnect via the HMI under
password protection. Use a key switch to ensure complete isolation from any connected systems that could be hacked.
– 4. Use SCADA systems to allow for onsite/remote plant-wide connect/disconnect in case of cyber attacks. You can’t get any more secure
than fully disconnecting and air gapping from the network!
We plan to launch this product for Pre-order very soon. However, we want
the best feedback we can get. Tell us why you think this is or isn’t a great
product. We aren’t interested in putting out products that don’t serve our
customers Tell us what you might be willing to pay for this product as well.